If you are looking for Cape Cod kayak tours and rentals, they are all listed here with contact information.
If we missed yours or you would like to edit or add to your listing, Contact us.
Visit our Cape Cod kayaking page for information on one of the best ways to see the Cape!
Enjoy kayaking on Cape Cod!
Upper Cape
- Cape Cod Kayak, North Falmouth, (508) 563-9377 – www.capecodkayak.com
- RideAway Kayak, Sandwich, (508) 247-0827 – www.rideawaykayak.com
- Cape Cod Paddlesurf, Osterville, (508) 737-8572
Mid Cape
- Eastern Mountain Sports, Centerville, (508) 362-8690 –
- Cape Cod Waterway Boat Rentals, Dennisport, (508) 398-0080
- Cape Cod Sea Sports, Hyannis, (508) 790-1217 – www.capecodseasports.com
- Bass River Kayaks, West Dennis, (508) 398-0060 – www.capecodkayaking.com
- Great Marsh Kayak Tours, Yarmouth, (508) 775-6447 – www.greatmarshkayaktours.com
Lower Cape
- Cape Kayaking, (508) 247-7402 – www.capekayaking.com
- Adventure Chatham, East Harwich, (800) 809-1750 – www.adventurechatham.com
- Explore Cape Cod, South Orleans, (508) 240-1211 – www.explorecapecod.com
- Goose Hummock Shop, Town Cove, Orleans, (508) 255-2620 – www.goose.com
- Cape Cod Kayak Tours, Eastham, (774) 216-0021 – www.capecodkayaktours.net
- Jack’s Boat Rental, Wellfleet, (508) 349-9808 (also at Nickerson State Forest in Brewster), (508) 896-8556
- Flyers Boat Rentals, Provincetown, (508) 487-0898 – www.flyersboatrentals.com
- Fun Seekers, Wellfleet, (508) 349-1429 – www.funseekers.org
- Venture Athletics, Provincetown, (508) 487-9442 – www.ventureathletics4u.wordpress.com