We began our celebration of the Fourth of July on Cape Cod the way we always do.
At the Orleans parade!
The parade consists of an eclectic array of floats from local businesses and artisans as well as the local fire and police departments.
But it is the military personnel, both current and former that stir emotions that run deep.
Ever since 9/11, I can’t watch a parade without my eyes welling up with tears.
It is an uncontrollable, almost involuntary reaction that I can’t seem to harness. I wear sunglasses so that I won’t feel foolish.
A grown man…
Crying at a parade.
I feel an immense sense of pride and respect for the men and women who fight for my right to be an American.
Thank you to those men and women as well as the men and women who protect us on our own soil. The police and firefighters.
You too I have an overwhelming respect and admiration for.
After the parade, we made our way downtown, to the Baseball Shop. One of our favorite stops in Orleans. If you have kids that are baseball fans, don’t miss the Baseball Shop!
They have everything from baseball cards and signed memorabilia to shirts and hats. Surprisingly, they carry a great assortment of Yankees memorabilia. Yes, I said Yankees memorabilia, which brings our family back time and time again.
The owner has made some great additions to the shop this year, including a place where parents can sit down on an authentic baseball bench and watch the big screen TV while their little fans shop.
He also added a pitching cage out in back, where young aspiring pitchers can be humbled with an accurate reading of their pitch speed.
Perhaps the biggest addition is the offering of free tickets to Cape Cod League baseball games!
A very creative way to drum up business. As all Cape League games are free.
The next leg of our celebration, and my favorite is lunch at Land Ho!.
John Murphy has created a great place with a pubby atmosphere, where college students, tourists, families and locals alike can hang out and enjoy great food and conversation.
Cheers John Murphy!
I happen to be on my second Grey Goose sea breeze when the annual bagpipe celebration begins.
Every year the bagpipers from the parade file into Land Ho and fill its hallowed halls with incredible renditions of some our most patriotic songs.
Once again my eyes fill with tears, and while I wish I could control it, I savor the emotions that I only started feeling just a few short years ago.
After they finish, I thank them for the awesome performance and offer my seat.
As they need the drink more than I do.
Next we move to the annual Pepe family clambake and 4th of July picnic at Sheep Pond in Brewster.
Our annual gathering consists of Noni and Papa Pepe with their three children. One of whom is my wife, and their ten grandchildren.
We grill fresh fish, lobsters and plenty of libations, followed by s’mores around the outdoor fire and fireworks! Great fun for all and another memorable Fourth of July on Cape Cod!