When I was a child I used to go to a beach on the cape at low tide and spend hours looking under rocks and in small pools that were left behind for all kinds of sealife (sea urchins, crabs, lobsters, eels) and it was always one of my favorite things to do.
Now that I have a child of my own (age 7)I would love to share this experience with him. We go to the cape every year and I have yet to find this beach or another beach like it.
We stay in Eastham near Kingsbury beach (bay side) which has its share of tidal pools at low tide, but they are all sandy and the only thing we find are crabs, crabs, crabs, crabs, and an occasional sea turtle.
I think the place I used to go to is near Sandwich, but not sure. We will be down the cape the first two weeks in august and will have plenty of time to explore.
Comments for Do you know where to find a Cape Cod Beach with great tidal pools?Average Rating
Corporation beach in Dennis. Been a family favorite for generations. Great family beach.