For more information, contact: Shelby Larsson (617) 423-0840 [email protected]
July 1, 2011
Under Cape Cod Waters by Ethan Daniels
BOSTON, MA— This summer, award-winning photojournalist Ethan
Daniels will be speaking from Boston to Cape Cod about his stunning
book-length collection of underwater photography, Under Cape Cod
Waters (Union Park Press, June 2010). The events hosted by local
bookstores, libraries, and museums promise to draw an eclectic group of nature lovers, artists, scientists, and hardy divers interested in taking the plunge into Cape Cod’s brisk waters.
Throughout his collection Daniels incorporates images from the Cape’s
variety of underwater habitats, including the salt marsh, bay, ocean, and freshwater ponds.
Daniels credits summers at his grandmother’s home near the Namequoit River and Shallow Waters (Houghton Mifflin, 1981) by William Sargent as the seeds of inspiration for his first book.
“Shallow Waters woke me up to the fact that there was mystery in the bay and I became entranced by that world, just a stone’s throw from my grandmother’s house,” says Daniels. (In a wonderful turn of events, Daniels and Sargent are now friends, and Sargent contributed a foreword to Under Cape Cod Waters.)
Trained as a biologist, Daniels now guides diving trips around the world, shooting underwater locations as exotic as Belize, Palau, and Micronesia. However it is Cape Cod that he chose as the subject of his first book-length collection. “Shooting images in various far-flung destinations reminds me that some of the most exotic, weird, and
beautiful scenery and wildlife can be found just off your doorstep,” says Daniels.
Those who know Cape Cod even a little probably don’t consider it a hot spot for scuba diving or underwater photography—after all how much can you see in the murky Atlantic waters off New England?
As it turns out, quite a bit. With brilliant photographs and a conservationists’ appeal, Under Cape Cod Waters is a
revelation about the variety of flora and fauna found in Cape Cod’s aquatic ecosystems—and the important roles these plants and creatures play in maintaining the overall health of this cherished peninsula.
Ethan Daniels will speak and present images from Under Cape Cod Waters at the Boston Public Library at 6 PM on July 27; at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History in Brewster at 7:30 PM on July 28 and at the Woods Hole Public Library at 7:30 PM on August 1. For more information about the book, the author or the press, visit the
Union Park Press website (www.unionparkpress.com) or email [email protected] for more details.
Under Cape Cod Waters is now available in bookstores and online.
Under Cape Cod Waters by Ethan Daniels
ISBN: 978-1-934598-05-4 ● Hardcover: 162 pages ● Price: $35.00 ● 12 x 10 ● June 2010
Union Park Press books are available to the trade from Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and Pathway Book Service:
Toll Free: 1-800-345-6665 ● Fax: 603-357-2073 ● Email: [email protected]