It is fitting that Jess Golden Linehan’s first picture book, Martin Mixed-Up at the Beach, is set at the beach.
Her father fell in love with Cape Cod beaches when he played for the Cape Cod Baseball League in the 1960s.
“Driving ‘down the Cape’ with Dad growing up, I watched his salt-filled hair blowing in the wind, his appearance as relaxed as we all felt inside.
I fell in love with the Cape too.
Now, I am blessed to have my own kids’ feet in the sand year-round, and to be able to write and illustrate in its peace.” You can find Jess’s book, Martin Mixed-Up at the Beach, at the Cape Cod & Vineyard stores listed below.
Summary: Martin’s sister is crying while he’s reading at the beach. What should he do? Martin tries again and again to stop his sister’s sobs. Each turn-of-the-page reveals sister’s response to Martin’s antics, until she reaches for the object she wanted all along! Martin’s non-stop action and “love of reading” theme make this an ideal pick for young readers.
ISBN-10: 0615457053
ISBN-13: 9780615457055
Publisher: Salty Pond
Copyright: 2011
Pages: 32
Format: Hardcover
Retail Price: From $.01
Age Range: 3-6 years
Available at:
Titcomb’s Bookshop (Sandwich)
Brewster Book Store (Brewster)
Market Street Books (Mashpee)
Eight Cousins (Falmouth)
Yellow Umbrella Book Store (Chatham)
Books By the Sea (Barnstable/Osterville)
Riley’s Reads (Vineyard Haven)
Barnes and Noble (Nook Book)