by Starfish lover
(So Weymouth, MA)
Two weeks every year, my family would pick up my grandparents and head to West Dennis for our family vacations.
My brother, sister and I would all compete for bragging rights as “the one” who saw the bridge first!”.
As the oldest, my Papa and I had a secret!
I would quietly get out of bed and meet him in the kitchen every morning. No one else would be awake and we would sneak out the back door to the beach.
Armed with my bucket and net, we would walk the entire beach all the way to the Light House. The beach was all ours with no one else in sight.
Every morning the beach was washed clean of footprints until Papa and I came along.
I would find starfish, fiddler crabs, hermit crabs and special shells. Sometimes I would dig in the sand to uncover the sand crabs. They always tickled my hands when I tried to catch them before they burrowed back through the sand.
All of a sudden some people would show up on our long beach walk.
I remember taking Papa’s hand and feeling real satisfied that we had been on the beach before anyone else!
Our beach time was now over, and we would head back to the cottage to show off my treasures.
Papa would make bacon and eggs for all of us.
We laughed and laughed and I loved every minute.
Time has gone by, and I have had the pleasure of being a Mother on that same beach, first thing in the morning, with my son and his bucket and net.
Now I am looking forward to being the Grandmother that is there first thing in the morning with my grandchild and her bucket and net.
Special moments through time.
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