Under Cape Cod Waters by Ethan Daniels
BOSTON, MA— When most people think of Cape Cod, they probably
imagine long stretches of beach, charming main streets, and bowls of
clam chowder. But award-winning photojournalist Ethan Daniels hopes
to change that with the publication of a stunning new collection of
underwater photography, Under Cape Cod Waters (Union Park Press,
June 2010).
Those who know Cape Cod even a little probably don’t consider it a hot
spot for scuba diving or underwater photography—after all how much
can you see in the murky Atlantic waters off New England?
As it turns out, quite a bit. Under Cape Cod Waters is a revelation about
the variety of flora and fauna found in the marine environments along the Cape Cod peninsula, and the important roles these plants and creatures play in maintaining the overall health of this cherished peninsula.
Daniels incorporates images from a variety of underwater habitats, including the salt marsh, bay, ocean, and freshwater ponds. “Part of putting this book together was to enlighten people about the beauty and ecological importance of seldom viewed subjects such as kettle holes, which are colorful, lively gems of natural history,” says Daniels.
Whether it’s a field of sea anemones, the peculiar beauty of microscopic zooplankton, two sea stars dueling over a meal of mussels, or a massive snapping turtle emerging from the muddy bottom of a pond, Daniels depicts the wonders of the natural world from the point of view of both an artist and conservationist. Through Daniels’ eyes even the most common hermit crab is glamorous, mysterious, and consequential. “I wanted to show elements of a local environment that few people ever see,” says Daniels. “I’m a firm believer in the idea that the more one knows
about the world, the more one cares.”
Trained as a biologist, Daniels now guides diving trips around the world, shooting underwater locations as exotic as Belize, Palau, and Micronesia. However it is Cape Cod, where he spent summers as a boy, that he chose as the subject of his first book-length collection. “When I was young, I became entranced by the world beneath the water just a stone’s throw from my grandmother’s house. Shooting images in various far-flung destinations reminds me that some of the most exotic, weird, and beautiful scenery and wildlife can be found just off your doorstep,” says Daniels.
Under Cape Cod Waters will be available online and in bookstores this June. For more information, or to learn
about Daniels’s upcoming author appearances visit www.unionparkpress.com.
Under Cape Cod Waters by Ethan Daniels
ISBN: 978-1-934598-05-4 ● Hardcover: 152 pages ● Price: $35.00 ● 12 x 10 ● June 2010
Union Park Press books are available to the trade from Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and Pathway Book Service:
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