by Sandra
For a good old fashion slice of “Americana” you won’t want to miss the Cape Cod Town Band Concerts. Many towns across the Cape host these concerts during various nights of the week. They’re usually filled with local, talented men and women, and maybe just a few semi-famous musicians and conductors. The music ranges from Broadway tunes, jazz, big band, classical and more. Regardless of the size of the band or the level of talent of the musicians, these concerts are just plain fun for all ages.
We recently went to the Brewster Town Band’s first concert of the season. Brewster holds their concerts on Sunday evenings at the Drummer Boy Park on Rte. 6A. The band plays in a gorgeous wooden gazebo nestled at the base of the rolling fields. The fields overlook Quivett Creek which leads to the sparkling, white-capped Cape Cod Bay. In full disclosure, my father is one of the members of the band. So of course, we had to let the Grandchildren see their “Papa” play on stage. My father learned to play the trombone in the 4th grade and has been playing off and on throughout the years. He also played in the Charlotte County Concert Band while he was in Florida this past winter. A few email exchanges with the conductor from Brewster and he secured his spot with their band this summer.
These local town band concerts are free to the public and are a perfect venue to sit back, relax and let the sound of the music wash over you in a beautiful, traditional “Small Town” setting. It’s the perfect way to transition from a long hot day at the beach to dinner out or any other evening activities you may have planned. Many people bring their young children to frolic in the open fields and march around the bandstands waving flags and singing along to the Mickey Mouse March, Grand Old Flag or even the Bunny Hop!
On the evening we went, people were spread out on blankets or sitting on lawn chairs eating snacks and sipping drinks. It can be as casual as a bag of popcorn and a can of soda, or as elaborate as a ”Tanglewood-style” picnic of wine, cheese and pate. We opted for something somewhere in the middle! There’s also a nice playground about 50 yards away, so if the children get restless, you can let them burn off their energy while still enjoying the music.
Here is the Summer Town Concert schedule at a glance. If you haven’t been before, be sure to check out at least one this summer. It’s a refreshing change of pace that brings you back in time to a simpler life; One that makes you slow down and catch your breath. It’s also nice to know your children (and you) are outside, getting fresh air and living life, instead of sitting inside watching another rerun of Seinfeld or America’s Funniest Home Videos. Summer is fleeting in New England. Maybe even more so on the Cape where we’re usually the last to warm up for the season and the first to turn cool by mid-August. We have to savor every magical moment summer has to offer!
Brewster – 6pm Drummer Boy Field, Rte. 6A, Brewster
Dennis – 7:30pm Dennis Village Green Gazebo, Rte. 6A, Dennis
Orleans – 7:00pm Nauset Beach, Beach Road, Orleans
Yarmouth – 7:30pm Mattacheese Middle School, Higgins Crowell Road, West Yarmouth
Dennisport – 7:00pm Dennis Village Green, Dennisport
Harwich – 7:00pm Band Shell at Brooks Park, Oak Street, Harwich
Hyannis – 7:30pm Hyannis Village Green, Main Street, Hyannis
Bourne – 7:00pm Buzzards Bay Park, Main Street, Bourne
Falmouth – 8:00pm Marina Park, Scranton Avenue, Falmouth
Sandwich – 7:30pm Gazebo behind the Henry T. Wing School, Rte. 130, Sandwich
Chatham – 7:00pm Margaret Noon Park, Main Street
and – 8:00pm Whit Tileston Bandstand, Kate Gould
Park, Main Street, Chatham
Hyannis – 6:00pm Hyannis Village Green, Main Street, Hyannis
For more information on things to do on Cape Cod visit my blog: www.capecodgirl-sandy.blogspot.com